Thursday, January 19, 2012

Anticipating February in Vernon!

January 13, 2012
You won’t want to miss it!

Vernon BC is beginning to bustle with Vernon Winter Carnival activities that begin February3rd. It seems this time of year is literally the calm before the storm. February begins with the giants in the air as hot air balloons float lazily above the City signifying Winter Carnival here has officially begun! Nearly every day and evening for two weeks there is an exciting event and nearly all Vernon businesses and organizations participate. I am sure that almost everyone that lives here is touched in some way by the excitement.
Soon after that February 23-26 hundreds of athletes will begin arriving as Vernon plays host to the 2012 Greater Vernon Winter Games! All of Vernon and the surrounding area are anticipating this monumental event. The Winter Games office at 3011 31stavenue is seeing more traffic as the locals want to get more involved. Ideally most of us will volunteer and play a role as literally hundreds of people are needed to host this large event. I am guessing that at the end of 2012 we will all sit around with our feet up fondly remembering this month feeling proud of our moment to shine!   

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