Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Winter Carnival!

It is with great joy that I write today about one of the most amazing weeks I have had the pleasure of enjoying in Vernon BC.
Initially the week started out like a windstorm and with all the Winter Carnival events! I settled into Sunday at a much better pace! Vernon has some amazing dog parks even a women’s hiking group for dogs! I spend Sunday morning with my favourite furry friends getting some fresh air at the infamous BX Dog Park hiking! Sunday afternoon we drove to Silver Star Mountain resort for the Ice Sculpture Competition with plus 5 degree weather and sunshine Wow! Vernon was socked in for about 6 days with heavy fog so I really enjoyed the rays of happiness above the clouds. The Ice sculpture competition was the first I had ever seen I spend a tremendous amount of time just checking them out and getting photos before they melted you can see them at During this past week Carnival Events have run rampant broomball, skate parties, snowshoe tours and free dance lessons every day something fun to watch or participate in.
This weekend the Chilli Cook-off sold out Medieval Dinner Event and Canucks Rock as well as a planetarium Show and much more if you can squeeze it all in. As we wind down another year of Carnival! We will indeed remember the 52nd Annual Winter Carnival as one of the best. We really hope to see you all here for next year’s amazing event so make next year’s Vernon Winter Carnival Yours!

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