Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Next Chapter!

Tourism Vernon is taking a breath after a very busy February and it will be short lived!
The Vernon tourist season is hot on our heels and we are getting everything in order to welcome every one of them with a smile! Tourism in the Okanagan brings thousands of visitors and it is the job of Tourism and the Visitor Centres to make sure we are well prepared and can offer a second to none product.
All front line staff has to be well trained and knowledgeable about all things Vernon and British Columbia! Staff are specifically trained and certified as Visitor Centre Counsellors utilizing a program supplied by the Ministry of Tourism. It truly helps we love our City and our Province so learning about it is easy. From the waterfronts, campgrounds, fruit picking, hiking to wine drinking and hot springs we know something about everything and if not we know where to find the answer.

 As we wait for seasonal attractions to open we continue to make sure all season attractions get our undivided attention. Attractions like Planet Bee & Meadery, Opal Miners Gift Shop as well as all the unique shops in the downtown core make visiting Vernon any time of year worthwhile.
 The Vernon Visitor Centre is open year round to assist you when you arrive! Making sure our websites, files and Visitor Centre shelves are loaded with current information to assist visitors is essential. So as we get ready to welcome you we hope you are planning to make Vernon yours this year!


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