Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Resolutions

Well it’s January and here in Vernon we are all trying to stick to our new year’s resolutions! More physical activity seems to be a common goal for most and Vernon has many choices when it comes to venues for getting active.

With Vernon’s often mild weather the outdoors is a great arena to get your heart pumping. Sledding on the slopes, tubing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, skating or even guided snowshoe tours are available. If you have a dog there are six different dog parks to choose from all within the City.

If you are looking for indoor activity the choices are endless. Vernon has everything from Wallyball to indoor walking facilities, dance classes, yoga and the list goes on! The Vernon Recreation Centre has swimming, skating, exercise room and a gymnasium all within a city block!  Whether you are a resident of Vernon or here on vacation many of the facilities have drop in rates or are free to use so give us a call and we will get you headed in the right direction!

                                                             “Make Vernon Yours”  

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