Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring is here In Vernon BC !!

After spending some time outside this past week we are confident spring has arrived here in Vernon. Some really great indicators of spring would be the little plants popping their heads out at City Hall or the appearance of baby cows in the fields. But there is no greater sign of spring then the universal indicator, Canadian geese squealing above our heads!!!

As spring arrives we are all working hard to make sure the thousands of visitors that are soon to arrive have memorable experiences preferably in a good way. That’s why we are here after all! The businesses in and around the City are raking, stocking inventory, painting and ramping up for everyone’s arrival. The excitement in spring here is contagious. The street sweepers are out in full force the birds have begun to chirp once again and the long winter is almost a distant memory. That being said we all invite you to “Make Vernon Yours” this summer!




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