With the Holiday Season upon us and children out of school you might be looking for something for everyone to do. We have compiled a list of our "Top 10" things to do in Vernon during the Holiday Season! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
1. Santa Swim Dec 22 from 1:30 – 4:00 pm @ Vernon Aquatic Centre

2. Holiday Skate Schedule httwww.greatervernonrecreation.ca/wesbildfiles/holiday_skate_schedule.pdf
3. Go tobogganing
at one of the local school playgrounds. Our preference is Mission Hill Elementary School
- 1510 - 36th Street.
Break Camps @ Silver Star Mountain: Check out the website for packages
and price. Silverstar has many Holiday events- Check it out
Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre: Kids
Christmas Camp January, 2nd, 3rd & 4th
from Noon-4:00pm call them at 250-558-3036
6. Okanagan Science Centre this holiday season for Winter Break-ology! Pre-register for
the hourly, half- or full-day ‘Supervised Science’ drop off programs on Dec.
22, 27-29 and Jan 2-5. Call 250. 545.3644 or visit www.okscience.ca for details.
7. Ya Ya’s Play Centre (Closed on December. 25. 2012 & Jan .1. 2013 )
Galaxy Cinema’s: 275-2306 Highway 6 – 250. 542.1107 275
- www.ciniplex.com
10. Watch a Minor Hockey Game – Always fast & fun - www.vernonminorhockey.com * Look on
the left hand side of the website for upcoming games!